名稱:上海乾拓貿易有限公司 上海地址:上海市嘉定區嘉涌路99弄6號713室 聯系人;沈雪 企業QQ:2880626081 手機;18918574312(微信) 電話;021-69000975 郵箱:18918574312@163.com
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?提供適合于衛生場合專用的各種過程接口和密封方式 Read the instruction manual before commissioning. ?制藥和化妝品行業壓力測量 ?清潔平面型,環形焊接密封 不銹鋼膜,表面粗糙度Ra < 0.4 μm ?堅固的設計,**的壓力測量技術 ?過程容器和存儲容器的液壓測量 The FFU is not a safety module according to the EU Machinery Directive. Observe the national safety
SICK電感式接近開關詳細介紹 and work safety regulations. closing of electrical connections are only to be carried out in a Repairs may only be carried out by the manufacturer. Changing or altering the device is not permitted. Connection, mounting, and s etting only to be done by trained specialists. ?通過食品飲料和化妝品制 藥行業專用的EHEDG衛生標準認證 ?沾濕部件為1.4435不銹鋼,外殼為1.4571不銹鋼
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